Kundalinī in the Tantras: An Introduction

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Upper Kuṇḍalinī = Kālottara 12.1 SCROLL copy.jpg
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Kundalinī in the Tantras: An Introduction


Join me on this visual journey into the Tantras, as we discover the elusive 'Coiled Power' (Kundalinī) in Her original role as a liberating sonic power engaged in daily Yoga practice! Discover the original Kundalinī as an 'active' power, and learn how she was once celebrated in the Tantras as the life-giving force of Sonic resonance that descends into the body.

  • Drawn from my research into dozens of un-published source texts included in my PhD - 'The Tantric Origins of Kundalini'

  • Kundalinī: a 'dormant' or 'active' power? See for yourself, as I compare verses from unpublished Tantric sources with those known to us from published 'Hathayoga' texts.

  • Your purchase of this class directly supports my ‘Patreon' campaign on the ‘Origins of Kuṇḍalinī in the Tantras’!!

  • length - approximately 90 minutes.

    *Bonus - Download now and receive my full translation of the 'Lost Invocations to the Chakras.' Drawn from the Kubjikā Tantra (10th century), these empowering invocations re-introduce the 50 Forgotten Mother (Mātrikā) Goddesses or 'power's of the Chakra petals.

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Clips from this class - 

  1. ‘Kundalinī’ - Why the Goddess Coils.


2. Kundalinī arises from the crown of the Head


3. The Sound of Kundalinī - Locating the ‘Doorway' to Liberation